Why a butt-plug was the best present when I left that job

2 min readJun 8, 2021

I have always liked to celebrate big occasions. So undoubtedly, there ought to be a big milestones to mark the departure from a Company where I worked for ever. I like to make presents, and I like also to make myself presents. It had to be nice, and meaningful. And I narrowed down on a butt plug, as it was so symbolic.

In a company practicing evaluation where behavior to be followed were explained, to the point of manipulation, and where the good followers got the goodies, at some point I really thought I had become a Sub, to an unnamed Dom. Each year, I was in the dark for a while while my masters where deliberating after I tried to depict my achievements favorably in my annual review. I would be given a “hay” or “nay” that would define my worth, at least for a little while. And good attentions and cajoling were temporary, while punishment was typically for ever. As I thought I would probably miss this BDSM relationship, a plug seemed to be a good fill.

Besides, it is obvious that so many sides of the job had become a pain in the butt. As I discovered when I left, working can be pleasurable. Totally. Take what you like, move away from what you hate. Keep the pleasure. Work can be enjoyable — so can this part of the body in sex. Really. For men and women alike. Rediscover joy where it was not before. A plug can help.

It is novelty also, experimenting. And facing again the world of work, after 20 years of monthly salary, in a disruptive era like 2021, takes a lot of curiosity, and the willingness to try. A toy is a great symbol of experimentation.

Eventually, it is hard to leave a company that you worked with/for for so many years. It takes courage. It takes the willingness to overcome this Judeo-Christian sense of refrain, and guilt. Because it provides, the Company can do whatever it likes. And you have to be grateful. Harnessing your future again, think about you — and you alone, not this supposed insoluble commitment to a Corporation — can be taxed as selfishness. But it is self care. It matters, you matter. Care for your butt.

And in the end, it is a pretty object. So whether I use it or not, it is a good keepsake.

Hemka, France, June 2021.




Husband and dad. Engineering a better world. Putting things on paper.